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American Dreams s/c  (Enlarge)  
American Dreams s/c
By:Sidney Lewitter
List: $16.95
Price: $12.71
The story of a Jewish immigrant family and the hardships and changes they faced upon coming to America. At the turn of the twentieth century wave after wave of Eastern European immigrants landed on the American shores with little more than the clothes on their backs and hope in their hearts, guided by the glittering but often ephemeral star of the American dreamt The Jewish immigrants, in particular, also sought escape from the deeply ingrained European anti-Semitism which had plagued the Jewish people for a thousand years. Like all dreams, however, the American dream also had its harsh underside of reality, delivering rewards with one hand but demanding sacrifices with the other. For the Jewish immigrants, the price of prosperity was often the loosening of their bonds with Jew- ish heritage and tradition.

ISBN: 1560622628
Binding: softcover
Publisher: CIS
Pages: 225
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