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Visions of Greatness Vol. 3 (softcover)  (Enlarge)  
Visions of Greatness Vol. 3 (softcover)
By:Rabbi Yosef Weiss
List: $16.95
Price: $12.71
TOnce again, Rabbi Yosef Weiss has brought together another collection of true stories that are sure to delight and inspire. In this book, the third volume of the Visions of Greatness Series, the reader will find stories from Eretz Yisrael, America and England; stories from our times; stories featuring well-known gedolim, and ordinary people from all walks of life. The reader will meet such luminaries as the Steipler Gaon, Reb Aharon and Reb Shneur Kotler, and Reb Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, zichronom livracha, and observe how they conducted themselves in their everyday lives. Other vignettes portray simple, unremarkable people; yet we find that their responses to their own circumstances contain much from which we ourselves can learn. All are guaranteed to interest and absorb, as the reader is swept along and caught up in the protagonist's own dilemma. And when each story draws to its satisfactory close, the reader, along with the character, breathes a sigh of relief: another of the countless trials which every mortal must navigate in his service of Heaven has been encountered, and been conquered!

ISBN: 1560623195
Binding: softcover
Publisher: CIS
Pages: 221
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