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Lights of the Exile: Early Acharonim  (Enlarge)  
Lights of the Exile: Early Acharonim
By:Rabbi Zechariah Fendel
List: $24.95
Price: $18.71
A history of Torah transmission with world backgrounds: from the Spanish Expulsion, through the emergence of the Polish Torah Center.This is a masterpiece of scholarly erudition, presented in the form of pleasurable reading. Written in Rabbi Fendel's inimitable style of intensive scholarly research combined with clarity and easy readability. It covers the turbulent period of the early Acharonim, the tragic plight of Sephardic Jewry after the Spanish and Portuguese Expulsions (1492; 1497), as well as the plight of Ashkenazic Jewry at the turn of the 15th century, with both England (as of 1290) and France (as of 1394) closed to them. In these pages we learn of the dramatic fulfillment of the eternal covenant, as new havens opened up for these homeless Jews, in the Ottoman Empire, in Poland, and later in Amsterdam, in England, and in the New World.Embellished with many original tables and maps, and with many narratives, footnotes and comprehensive indices, this is a must-read book for anyone who seeks to learn the inside story of the unbroken chain of Torah transmissio

ISBN: 134598
Publisher: Hashkafah Publications
Pages: hardcoverq
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